In compliance with Governor DeWine’s and Dr. Acton’s Stay at Home Order, Breezewood Gardens will experience the following changes:
Breezewood will continue to be OPEN in the following capacity:
Greenhouse, Hardware, Plant Material, Gardening Supplies: 10 am – 5 pm daily
Many community members depend on Breezewood Gardens to support their gardening and growing needs. The Governor encourages us to get outside, work in our yards, stay active, and stay healthy while remaining socially distanced. We’re here to help.
Keeping You Safe
Order via phone and select Curbside Pickup placed immediately outside of the store. Order via phone and select Delivery safely dropped off at your house. We offer an open air 8,000 sq ft greenhouse plus outdoor shopping areas. We are limiting the amount of people permitted in the Greenhouse at one time which includes our employees (please be patient with us). Hand sanitizer and wipes through out the greenhouse. Enforcement of all CDC guidelines and cleaning recommendations.
Keeping You Healthy
Plants bring happiness to many people as well as clean the air and improve air quality. Grow your own food and be prepared for the summer. Now is the time to start seeds and vegetable gardens. Pollinators are vital to the worlds food production. Consider installing a pollinator friendly garden.
Firewood, mulch, hardware and supplies to support your home gardening and food production available now.